It's been almost three (three?? Honestly?) months since I've posted anything on APOS, but thanks to my great friend Dana, who decided to start a blog of her own, I've decided to get back into it. Right now, there's a duo-blog in the works with a friend of mine who lives in New York City. We've been planning something since the holiday season, but haven't really had the time to complete the project. Hence, my attention to my audience here has unfortunately fallen to the wayside. Also, being the Type A kind of person that I am, I won't release anything until it's perfect, so it may be a few more months before the new blog, people.
Last weekend was my 24th birthday, and with a birthday that falls on the same weekend as the season 2 release of House of Cards, Lord knows it's going to be a great one. I allowed myself ample time on one of the days to binge watch nearly half of the season. It's almost surreal knowing that I live in the same town in which the show is set. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping to run into Frank Underwood every time I'm on Capitol Hill. Although maybe it's better he doesn't actually exist.
On Valentine's Day, I got to bring a puppy on set during my boss's show. My brother was watching at home and sent me a photo. How cute is that puppy?
A snapshot from the Jefferson Memorial taken during one of my weekend runs. Running the memorial stairs of the Lincoln or Jefferson is something a lot of the runners do here.

A post birthday brunch photo of my friends and I. After bottomless drinks, we were all pretty happy by this point.