May 17, 2013

All hail Jenna Lyons

Two days ago, I walked into a Barnes and Noble for a book I had put on hold. As per usual, I was distracted by the lustrous array of magazines in the corner, and let the haze of the covers lure me in. My attention was snagged by the new copy of Fast Company--a magazine I've only read twice in my entire life-- because the woman on its cover. There, in her thick framed, nerdy glasses was Jenna Lyons, staring back at me as I looked at the cover in excitement for the article awaiting me within its pages. The all-white white shirt, pants and bow tie (yes, bow tie) against a white backdrop invited her to blend into the background, but "blending in" isn't exactly Lyon's thing.

So there I stood in my navy, scalloped J.Crew summer dress and jean jacket to match, for twenty minutes reading every word of the article, and with each paragraph I found myself wondering why more people don't talk about Jenna Lyons. In my opinion (as well as that of the magazine) she is the Steve Jobs of J.Crew, transforming brand into a retail monarch reigning over men and women of all ages.

The article was a testament to how much of an inspiration Lyons is for young women. She has been with J.Crew her entire career, starting as the assistant to somone's assistant, and has worked her way up to become executive creative director. She's made fashion relatable, with her eye for creativity and the idea that fashion needs to always be exciting.

I hope you pick up the latest issue of this magazine, and are equally as inspired as I was by Lyons' story and love for her career, along with her fabulous office!

Have a great weekend!

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